
Monday, April 25, 2022

Clinical complications in fixed prosthodontics

 In order to clarify the time and cost associated with complex therapeutic treatment there is a desire for a good outcome and long-term achievement. Life span in fixed prosthodontics is not just reliant upon the accuracy and ability with which the work is performed, yet additionally to a larger than usual degree upon a right evaluation and analysis and in this way the usage and execution of proper design principles.(1)Despite the publicity of dental implants, single crowns and dental bridges are created on the known basis in ordinary practice. Therefore, the research will discuss the complications additionally as causes and kinds of most typical complexities associated with crowns, bridges, implants and posts and cores.


Biological complications

The most familiar biological complication of all-ceramic crowns is loss of pulp vitality. Another one is caries, which lead to dislodgment of crowns, and many other conditions lead to the same result such as periodontitis and abutment tooth fracture. It is said that in case of all-ceramic crowns, the crowns become displaced due to dental caries have been 0.2%, 0% due to periodontitis and 0.4% due to tooth fracture. For metal– ceramic crowns, these figures had been greater and presented by 0.7%, 0.6%, and 0.9% respectively. Therefore, the inference was that biological complications like caries, periodontitis, and abutment teeth fracture had been greater in the metal–ceramic crwons.From here, we can understand that the type of restoration can affect the biologic health of teeth and oral tissues.

However, there is no considerable effect for the type of fixation of the fixed prosthodontics (cemented or screw-retained) on biological problems. There are clinical symptoms for biological failure of crown restoration occur mostly in the form of inflammation either mucosa inflammation or microsites (figure1). It can also lead to bleeding and soft tissue discoloration around single crowns. (4) Periodontal problems affect single crown by producing a clear distinction in the plaque index, gingival index, and pocket depth.

(5)However, the presence of baseline condition decrease the percentage of gingivitis. For resin bonded prosthesis, the effect of the prosthesis on abutment teeth periodontal health used to be studied in 15 studies.(6) Seven of the studies ) determined no periodontal troubles or no multiplied incidence of periodontal disease while four reported the presence of mild inflammation..So, the type of cement may affect the health of abutment teeth periodontal ligaments.
Complications with FPD had been caries of abutment teeth, periapical lesions, pain/discomfort, periodontal diseases and abutment fracture. This was showed after performing multiple clinical examinations. (22), (23). (Figure 2) Peri‐implant mucosal lesions have been mentioned in 10 researches. Two of them (24) used the generic term ‘soft tissue complications’, other 4 suggested signs of inflammation’
(25)gingival inflammation (26), gingivitis(Andersen et al. 2002) or bleeding(Andersson et al. 1998a, 1998b) (27) stated on ‘periimplantitis’ which was described as probing pocket with a depth of ≥5 mm mixed with bleeding on probing or suppuration.Gotfredsen described cases with ‘soft tissue dehiscence. The rest of researches (28) stated on fistula formation. The most conventional biological complications for implant‐supported SCs are peri‐implant mucosal lesions .This discovery was explained with a clinical study based on evaluating the peri‐implant microflora of implants in cemented and screw‐retained crowns(Keller et al. 1998). It used to be concluded that the dental microflora has a significant effect on the microbial colonization of the implants regardless the mode of fixation of the crown.


Mechanical complications:

Numerous entanglements happen because of the mechanical disappointment of the fixed prosthodontics. One of these confusions is the fracture, which mostly seen in porcelain crowns (Figure 3). Three studies recognized the occurrence of porcelain crack with a mean pace of 3%.
(30), (31), (32) the explanation behind this can be referred to the sort of maintenance. In later in vitro examinations, cement retained implant upheld single MC crowns indicated estimations of crack opposition higher than screw-held restorations. (33),(34),(35) The same number of authors believe that the screw-access hole in screw-held restorations can debilitate the porcelain around the opening and at the cusp tip, bringing about porcelain fracture, while these that are cement held can conquer this issue. (36), (37), (33), (38), (35), (39) Others state that neither the area of the screw get to gap nor narrowing of the occlusal table had any impact on the porcelain fracture resistance.

Fracture likewise was assessed according to crown position in the arch and wear aspects/occlusal habits. Information with respect to these two elements were accounted in an adequate number of studies to be incorporated. The impact of five different elements (age, (43) gender, (40), (41 ) etching/sort of cement, (40) finish line form, (42) and ceramic thickness (42)) also were reported. Another thing that has a marked effect on fracture resistance is the fixed prosthodontics metal frameworks, which will flex when subjected to loading. Such flexure may cause deformation near the abutment margins and place great stresses on the sealing cement (figure 4). This may ultimately lead to disruption of the cement layer and loss of cementation. Consequently, metal frameworks must be sufficiently rigid to withstand such deformation. (43)In ceramo-metal restorations deformation of the metal can lead to debonding and fracture of the porcelain; hence, there is an added requirement for rigidity to provide more fracture resistance. Precious metal (that is, gold-based) bridges had a significantly longer mean service life than semi- or non-precious alloy bridges. (44)

The failure for endodontically handled teeth used as abutments is depended upon the type of restoration being supported and therefore the degree of loading being experienced. An abutment for a bridge is usually subjected to higher loading than a single crown abutment (49). Patients with a tendency for parafunctional habit (for example, bruxism, clenching) transmit stresses to their dentitions with higher frequency, higher amplitude and longer period than normally experienced. Restorations in these cases sufferers from being more liable to the problem of fracture. (50-52)

Morover, the abutment tooth must have the option to offer great help for the extended bridge. This help to identify both the measure of root and the measure of bond present hence determine the amount of retention. A bridge replacing a maxillary canine is exposed to a bigger number of worries than the mandibular since powers are transmitted outward (labially) on the maxillary arch against the jaw (its most fragile point). At the point when a cantilever pontic is utilized to substitute a missing tooth, the powers applied to the pontic have a unique impact on the abutment tooth. The pontic act as lever, which will in general be discouraged under powers of occlusion. Spring cantilever spans gives a technique for supporting a pontic at some good ways from the retainers. This sort of abutment is both tooth and tissue supported. A gold bar, which fits in contact with the palatal mucosa, associates the pontic to the retainer’s consequently better retention. (58)

Perforation likewise is an extraordinary complexity that have been noted particularly with fixed partial dentures. It might be because of insufficient occlusal reduction , Insufficient occlusal material , High forces in opposing dentition (plunger cusp) , Premature contacts , contaminated metal or porosity in metal framework (subsurface, back weight, draw back) .It may also result due to inappropriate liquefying temperature , Improper example position , Improper sprue (excessively slight) , improper area or parafunctional propensities . Twisting of long range FPDs have been determined as an outcome of the use of thin crown, delicate metal, absence of heat treatment, porosity in the metal, bending of the metal foundation during the porcelain firing or utilizing metal that is contaminated.(79)

Esthetic complications

At the point when a good dental appearance is thought of, a few elements are of noteworthiness, including tooth color, shape, position; restoration quality and the general game plan of the dentition, particularly of the anterior teeth. Each factor might be considered exclusively, but all parts together act in show to create the last tasteful effect. However, many esthetic errors may occur during fabricating a fixed prosthodontics. Failure to recognize esthetic expectation of the patient, wrong shade determination, unnecessary metal thickness at incisal and cervical area, Thick murky layer application, Surface botches ("chalky" appearance), Over  glazing of the surface, Metal introduction in connector, cervical and incisal insinuations, Dark space in cervical third because of ill-advised pontic choice (Anterior), inability to create incisal and proximal translucency, ill-advised contouring, Failure to blend contra-sidelong tooth morphology, form, shading , position or angulations .

Changing in the tooth shape is one of the most significant tasteful complexities . The facial surface of the tooth is a piece of tooth structure. It is definitive in molding tooth's appearance, especially when serious changes happen in mature age. The incisal edge, which might be convex at the beginning changes also as an outcome of abrasion and it, might in the long time become concave. Cervical disintegrations and barely recognizable differences between the clinical crown and the root which may result from basic maturing or from oral cleanliness methodology should likewise be considered.Morover, the issue of inappropriate gingival stylish is another trouble. The morphology and measurement of supracrestal periodontal tissues are the most significant parameters to be thought about in structuring a fixed prosthesis.

The Esthetic Width and the supracrestal connective tissue connection is resected during tooth planning so, tasteful width should be regarded when structuring the prosthetic system and an unmistakable space is essential between the coronal fringe of the gingiva and the cervical edge of the system to give satisfactory space to the fabrication of explicit shoulder porcelain. Shade selection failures are very common in fixed prosthodontics. Until now, there is no deliberate preparing on visual shade assurance for dental experts or dentists. (85-88)


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