
Monday, April 25, 2022

Adhesive systems and their modifications in dentistry


In terms of bonding effectiveness, contemporary dental adhesives show favorable immediate results. Their major problem, though, is the durability of resin -dentin bonds. Simplification of adhesive techniques appears to be detrimental to long-term resin-tooth interface stability. The intimate contact of some dentin adhesives with dentinal tissue can be compromised by hydrostatic pulpal pressure, the dentinal fluid flow, and increased dentinal wetness in essential dentine. Degradation of the bond occurs by water sorption, hydrolysis of methacrylate resin ester interactions and activation of metalloproteinases in the endogenous dentine matrix, the three-step etch-and - rinse adhesives remain the gold standard for durability, Factors which influence modern adhesive 's long-term bonding performance address the current prospects for improving bond durability.


Adhesion is the formation process of an adhesive joint. The initial substance is called adherent and the material that is produced the interface is termed the adhesive. (1) The Dental Roles Adhesives promote the conservation of the structure of the dents and enable Minimally invasive dentistry, consolidation of weakened dentin or enamel, decrease marginal staining, decrease microleakage, and may Reduce postoperative vulnerability but when properly used.(1) One of the major challenges in restorative dentistry is obtaining an effective tooth-restoration interface seal. Composite restorations are based on adhesive systems that form a micromechanical bond with the structure of the dents. The original multicomponent bon ding systems are being gradually replaced with simpler, more user-friendly consolidated adhesive systems. The bonded interface remains the weakest area of tooth-colored restorations, despite significant improvements in adhesive systems. Although the introduction of hydrophilic and acidic resin monomers made the initial bonding of contemporary adhesives to intrinsically wet dental substrates much stronger, few manufacturers have recognized the potential problems associated with these increasingly hydrophilic adhesives. Most of the latest dental adhesives show excellent immediate and short-term bonding effectiveness, but the durability and flexibility of the resin-bonded interfaces remain questionable. (2-4) Hence, the objective of this review is to discuss and describe the mechanisms and techniques of adhesive systems and modifications.


Michael Buonocore (5) is widely regarded as the first Person proposing the use of adhesion technology in dentistry. His groundbreaking research was demonstrated in 1955 for the first time that the acid-etching of the enamel could have provided the surface Suitable for bonding to resins. The first, by the mid-1960s. Commercially available pit and fissure sealants and composite sealants Resin materials using this new adhesive technology have been used Clinically, that Buonocore has theorized that resin tags are filling the defect the etchant was responsible for the enamel adhesion, and at the end of the 1960s, he also proposed bonding to dentin is possible. Dental adhesives have been developed since then. Provide numerically higher bond strengths and more substantial Bonded interfaces for both enamel and dentin. By the 1980s, etch and rinse adhesives had become widely accepted. By the way, In the 1990s, the concept of the "hybrid layer" was accepted, and both Multi-step and single-step adhesives have been available.



Smear layer modifying adhesive systems 

Bonding agents change the smear layer in this technique and integrate it into the bonding process. According to these, the smear layer acts as a natural protective barrier to the pulp, shielding it from bacterial penetration and restricting the outflow of dentinal fluid which may hamper the bonding process. Enamel is selectively etched with 37% phosphoric acid (beware of not etching dentin). The priming and adhesive are applied separately or in combination after washing and drying the tooth. This results in micromechanical interaction of the dentin and the bonding system without collagen fibrils being exposed.

Smear layer dissolving adhesive systems (self-etch approach) 

These agents partially demineralize the smear layer and the surface of the superficial dentin without removing the remnants of the smear layer or the plugs. They use acidic primers also called self-etch primers or self-etch adhesives that provide both enamel and dentin with simultaneous conditioning and priming. Before that, the adhesive is applied without cleaning the surface of the tooth. The basis for using these systems is to condition the dentin and penetrate simultaneously with monomers that can be polymerized to the depth of demineralized dentin. (9)


Glass-ionomer approach

Glass-ionomers remain the only material that is self-adhesive to the tooth. The polyalkenoic acid conditioner is usually applied for 10-20 seconds and rinsed off, followed by a gentle drying of air without dehydration of the surface. The improved bonding efficiency is due to (10) : 1. Cleaning impact which removes loose cutting debris. 2. Partial effect of demineralization, by which the surface area Is increased and for micro-mechanical porosities Both are subject to interlocking or hybridization. 3. Polyalkenoic acid has a chemical interaction with residual Hydroxyapatite.



1. The surface of the substrates should be cleaned. Once the surface gets Clean, it has  high surface energy and is more likely to adsorb Environmental content such as fine particles, or saliva. The surface must, therefore, be guarded, and the next step in bonding Procedure will proceed.

2. Good adhesive wetting to substrate by removing smear Layer to lower contact angle and increase its spread on to the surface.

3. Substrate highly adapted creates intimate Approximation of the material for preventing air trapping or Other stuff.

4. Intimate adhesive contact to the substrate produces Bonding is physical, chemical, or mechanical. To be successful Chemical bonding, adhesive distance and adhesion distance Substrate material must be lower and new bonds must be of high-density Form alongside that interface. This is rarely seen because it binds Mechanical bonding of restorative materials requires. Mechanical bonds (big mechanical retention and micro Mechanical retention) involves interlocking of adhesives with Surface malfunctions

5. Under optional conditions, the adhesive should be well cured.


PRINCIPLES OF ADHESION Resin bonding to the surface of the dents results from four Possible Processes:

1. Resin mechanical penetration and resin tag creation Inside the surface of the tooth.

2. Substances spread precipitation onto the tooth Surfaces where resin monomers can be mechanically bonded to Similarly.

3. Chemical adsorption bonding to inorganic component (Hydroxyapatite) or organic (primarily type I) components Collagen) of the tooth structure.

4. Usually a combination of the prior three mechanisms Responsible for the new adhesive bonding.


Resin componentsTo guarantee a good covalent bond Dental adhesive between the adhesive and the resin composites Contain resin monomers like resin Composite. They act as a backbone providing continuity in structure and hence mechanical properties like resistance. It is Monomers Key adhesives constituents. There can be two types of monomers Crosslinkers (have two polymerizable groups) and Functional monomers (commonly one polymerizable monomer).

Initiator systems: Adhesive systems should be cured beforehand Composite technology to achieve an optimal degree of Conversion, therefore good mechanical strength of the bonding layer, and preventing excessive thinning of the adhesive resin layer Composite application

Photo-initiators: Many compounds can dissociate into free Radicals when light energy is absorbed, such as camphorquinone (CQ), propanedione (PPD), 1-phenyl-1,2

Chemical initiatorsChemical initiators are usually used Limited to cements and resin which cannot rely on light to heal Polymerizing. The most frequent initiator of self-curing resins Is benzoyl peroxide (BPO) combined with co-initiator tertiary amine.

Inhibitors: They are inhibitors added to dental resins Antioxidants which can scavenge free radicals that originate from initiators that reacted prematurely. The most used inhibitors in adhesives are butylated hydroxytoluene

Solvent: Resin is necessary for the application of solvents. The moisture content in Dentine nature makes good wetting only when a hydrophilic Bonding shall apply. Its main function is the promotion of good Introduction of the monomers into the collagen network Demineralized dentine, thus enhancing resin diffusion. The most widely used in adhesives are water, ethanol, and acetone Solvents used.

Water: Water-containing adhesives hard to remove Adhesive solutions because evaporation takes longer; It can Expand the collapsing and diminishing the network of collagen.

Ethanol: The higher density of vapors relative to water makes Faster air-drying evaporation.

AcetoneThe adhesives containing acetone combine the two Components Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic. Its heavy fumes the strain, which is approximately four times that of ethanol is the main benefit. Yet its high volatility can also lead to a reduction in the Shelf life of adhesives containing acetone, by rapid evaporation of Solvent. These systems can be based on demineralized Wet dentin to prevent collagen from collapsing.

Fillers: Add fillers to modify force and viscosity of those adhesives. Fillers according to their chemical composition in fluoride release and radio-opacity can also be provided. In addition, Particle size affects the ability to penetrate.

Modifiers: Manufacturers sometimes add special ingredients such as: glutaraldehyde, which must desensitize effect results from denaturation of collagen in dentin and the occlusion of dentinal tubules, in addition to strong antibacterial activity. Methacryloyloxydodecylpyridinium bromide (MDPB) monomer with antibacterial effect, N methacryloyl 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-NMSA) monomer has a salicyl group that is intended to chelate with calcium in order to obtain a desensitizing effect. Simple fluorine compoun ds could be also added.



Adhesive systems are biomaterials which are crucial within aesthetic restoration clinical protocols. This is why the research into adhesion to different dental substrates has such a central role within dentistry studies. Its main aim is to find a system that complies with the three objectives of dental adhesion presented by Norling in 2004: (13) • Preserving more dental structure. • Achieving optimal and long-lasting retention. • Preventing microfiltrations. The first aim seems to have been attained Effectively as it is possible to retain adhesive restorations due to the micromechanical and chemical interlocking Occurs when tissue is carved, without affecting healthy dental tissue. Nonetheless, the second and third goals are key Areas of biomaterials research and dental operative dentistry research. Adhesive systems have evolved with respect to composition and mechanisms of action on Dental tissue and its components as well as the number of clinical measures needed to be implemented. That latter thing Enables low technical sensitivity and equal efficiency for professionals Rate on dentin and enamel. adhesives can Then be classified according to the following:

1.   Three-step adhesives (Total-Etch Systems)

They require acid etching (enamel and dentin), rinsing and drying, use of a priming agent and adhesive as steps to follow before the composite is placed. Once the tissues are demineralized, primers must transform the dental hydrophilic surface into a hydrophobic surface so that adhesive resin bonding is achieved. To do this, agents contain monomers that can be dissolved in acetone, water and/or ethanol, polymerized with hydrophilic properties. These agents carry monomers across the etched tissue.(14) Adhesive systems which contain volatile organic compounds like ethanol and acetone Is based on their ability to remove the Remaining water. This facilitates the Monomers to penetrate the microporosities that acid etching causes on the opening of the dentinal tubules and Through the nano-spaces within the dentin collagen network. Thus, full infiltration of the tissue would be achieved if such tissues had Been wetted before. Primers soluble in water have mainly HEMA and polyalkenoic acid. The mechanism of action of these materials is based on the fact that after application the water evaporates, and the surface is air-dried and thus increases Concentration of HEMA. The theory of various solvent and solute volatility is very important. Water has a much higher pressure for vapor than HEMA. As the solvent, water, evaporates at the drying point, this allows for its preservation. Using a light air stream to remove the solvent and leave a shiny and homogenous layer on the surface, the priming procedure ends with dispersion. The hydrophobic bonding agent is applied in the third step, which is applied afterwards to chemically bind with the composite resin.
One of the advantages of three-step systems is their ability to achieve the 
necessary enamel and dentine bond strength. Their main drawback, however, is that the technique is very sensitive given the many clinical steps to be taken to apply it, and the risk of over-wetting or overdrying the dentin during Rinsing and drying upon application of the etching acid. These adhesives have reached values of bond strength of around 31 MPa.


2. Two-step adhesives

These systems' adhesion mechanisms are the same as their three-step predecessors but are more technique-sensitive. These systems involve the application of a technique of wet adhesion, as the priming phase Don't be independent. In the case of dentin, the tissue must remain wet to prevent the collagen being demineralized from collapsing, thus preventing incomplete adhesive infiltration. However, achieving the optimum degree of humidity is very difficult for the clinician, which is why this technique is operator sensitive. These systems simplified the clinical technique, thereby reducing work time to some extent. It outlines two procedures:
• Firstthe acid etching agent and the adhesive come together in one box. The main drawback of these systems is the need to rinse the acid with water and then dry it. However, after acid etching, the dentine must remain wet, which is difficult to standardize clinically given the lack of demineralized matrix stability.

• In additionthe primer now has monomers with acid groups which can serve as an acid etching agent and thus prepare the dental tissue for adhesion. The advantages of these systems are the elimination of the rinse stage and the readiness of the dentin surface to receive the adhesive agent already.

2.   Single-Step all-in-one Adhesives

These systems combine the three functions in one phase: acid etching, priming, and adhesion. Their key benefit is that they are easy to apply and that the surface does not need to be rinsed: only drying is required to distribute the product uniformly before photopolymerization.(16) The technique has been streamlined in these adhesive systems, thus allowing hydrophilic acid monomers, organic solvents and water to be kept in one solution. These components are essential for activating the dentin demineralization process and the system operation. Solvents such as acetone or alcohol are kept in the solution, but the solvent evaporation starts once it is dispensed. This evaporation triggers a period of separation, with Multiple droplet formation and an inhibition of oxygen. There is also a lower conversion rate, that promotes hydrolytic degradation and therefore affects the bonding capacity in the adhesive interface



Substrate: Adhesive systems must form a bond to both restoration and dental hard tissue. Composite Restoratives Consists of a hydrophobic matrix which contains various filler particles Integrated. The teeth consist of two very clearly different substrates: Dentin and Enamel. Enamel is 96 percent hydroxyapatite, Crystalline phosphate with calcium and 4 percent organic matter and water 3 Whereas dentin is composed of 70% hydroxyapatite, 20% collagen and the water are 10 percent. Enamel is therefore in fact a dry base, whereas dentin is wet. Thus, adhesives must possess both to establish the hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of Linkage to both substrates

Smear layer: The smear layer refers to a dental "debris" layer lying about 1 micron thick, after instrumentation, over the prepared parts of the tooth. It may have a defensive role  because it reduces the permeability of dentin; but as it partially penetrates the tubule of dentin it may pose a challenge for successful bonding. It has been observed with early composite materials that bonding agents which removed the smear layer achieved better retention rates in clinical trials than those which merely modified it. Removal of the smear layer seemed a requirement for dentin adhesion, and remains a generally accepted principle

Enamel etching: Buonocore was the first to demonstrate the technique of acid etching on enamel. This raises the surface area, leaving a white etch pattern that is irregular. During preparation, the enamel prisms of enamel are cut transversally or vertically, and during etching a micro-retention pattern forms because the central and peripheral parts of the prisms have different degrees of acid-solubility. A resin-based fluid, which is supported by capillary action, can then flow into the generated microporosities. Monomers polymerize as resin tags and get interlocked with the enamel. It requires a stronger acid or longer exposure to acid to obtain an optimal retention pattern on enamel than is necessary to expose dentinal collagen in dentin bonding.

Etching dentin: Etching dentin enlarges the tubular openings, removes or dissolves the smear layer and demineralizes the dentine surface. Peri- and intertubular dentin demineralization results in a cup-shaped expansion of the dentin tubules to a depth of approximately 10 μm, producing porous zones of exposed collagen fibrils. This is necessary for a successful relationship to be established. At first, etching of dentin was troublesome because the first adhesive products were hydrophobic. We worked well on enamel but were unable to effectively penetrate and bind to dentin. Nevertheless, modern hydrophilic resins penetrate
moist etched dentine surfaces and form a hybrid layer whereby resin tags extend a micro mechanical bond forms within the tubule. The hybrid layer covers the exposed dentin and is covalently connected to the restoration of the composite during first phase polymerization. Hybridized dentin is a mixture of polymer adhesives and hard dental tissues, Differing from the original molecular-level structure of the tooth. The fundamental principle of adhesion to tooth substrates is therefore based on the process of exchange of inorganic tooth material for synthetic resin.


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